Thursday, May 13, 2010

Future of advertising

The aim of forecasting into the future is to develop critical, creative and futuristic thinking skills. This challenging aspect will engage students in a process where they apply their imagination and higher level thinking skills to solve significant issues facing both the world of today and that of the future.
Drawing from the preceding paragraph think and write what you imagine advertising will look like in the next 20 years.


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  2. The future of advertising in nigeria,This is a very big level of development in all aspect linking from the media channels and the audience.
    The future of adversting in nigeria would be an extremely technological way in the sennse that adverstistment would be globally posted on the internet and on differnce website all at the same time as soon it is being launched. To me in the future, the cost for adversting would be much more expensive but highly connected.Also various audience would be unlimtedly informed through various use by sending messages to various moblie subscibers and giving them,the ease of instant purchase by replying the message back and getting doorstep delivery.09be08935.adesegun adebimpe aishat.

  3. Olaiya Temitope Mabel 09BE08974
    With the emergence of internet, i think a camera will embedded in the billboard and a computer will analyze the people who pass by it. It will tell the advertiser how many people walked in front of the screen, turned to face the ad and how long they looked at it. It reads your gender with an accuracy of 85%, so men and women will each see different ads.

    Plans are already underway to detect different ages and even family groups. This intuitive digital advertisement exists, courtesy of Quividi, a French marketing technology firm.

    In the future, ads themselves are engineered to obtain information on its audience, with the mined data immediately fueling message customization. Consumer data is a valuable commodity that will influence businesses and their initiatives even more than the present.

    It’s already happening on the web. Internet services and media companies like Yahoo, AOL and Google are fast understanding that effective contextualization of ad messages requires the continous accumulation and usage of individual data.

  4. The future of advertising is going to be a tremendous help in the development of Nigeria as it is becoming a very lucrative profession not only in Nigeria but all over the world. if an advert is selling for over half a million Naira today, there is not doubt that in the future An advert would cost a fortune. Also with the daily developments in technology advertising is going to take up a great chunk of the worlds economy.

    smith abisola

  5. 09BE08966
    Advertising itself is intresting,it does not only show you the new things for sale but it also eases you out of suspense just incase you are watching a film or playing a game.
    it is seen that in the fuure the adverts themselves would get information from its audience,this is very important,it is an obligation to know the consumers feeling.This is just a form of immediate evaluation.
    A us technology company HOLOSONIC is working to a situation were from a point as far as 60ft away from another point, you would be able to hear .This is necessary so that tose who would have no time to wait and read would listen as they are passing.

  6. Gabriel Emily 09BE08959.
    For on-line advertising in 20years from now as soon as the product is sited and purchased there'll be instant delivery to the consumer.Billboard advertising would be made available to every community and it will be in form of films i.e. like television advertisements.Advertisements in general in 20years from now would be more risk taking in terms of location.Adverts would be able to be watched on mobile phones, wristwatches also depends on the information technology at that time.Adverts would be placed on every single item in every location for easy recognition of a commodity.Companies would be able to embark on campaingns and hit their target market with hard-to-ignore messages that can follow people via new high-tech media into their cars, offices, living rooms, and bedrooms. powerful "behavioral targeting" services that can track what an individual clicks on and looks at across a range of sites over the course of weeks and months, making it possible to build a detailed profile of that person's interests, purchases, and preferences.the world is growing and so is advertising

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  8. The futue of advertising in my own idea is a more realistic one, where customers responses to products would be tested more fairly with cameras installed in billboards so as to acess how people relate to a product. With the daily advance of internet, and technology as a whole, all these would be interconnected to get the best. Advertising would not only adopt the traditional and modern methods but it would cut across time and space and become much more flexible. The future i percieve would include customization of messages to reach particular parts of its customer base where companies and advertisers would try to reach and meet the particular interest to each of its customers needs and try to embody it in their adverts and make the customers more involved in their adverts, making feedback or communication readily available to ensure a win win situation. The future holds the key and i believe it is feasible.

  9. In the future, ads themselves are engineered to obtain information on its audience, with the mined data immediately fueling message customization. Consumer data is a valuable commodity that will influence businesses and their initiatives even more than the present.You've waited all day to come home and relax. You're sitting on the couch watching your favorite football team with your feet propped up on the coffee table (just like mom told you not to do). Life is good.
    Then a little i pops up on your screen. What's that? It's interactive television and it's a whole new ball game for advertisers.You've seen commercials for Clorox and Purina Puppy Chow. But now you can see those commercials and get coupons at the same time. The interactive screen provides you with options to accept or decline an advertiser's special offer.
    But the future will depend on how powerful and continuous the advertising will be.

  10. I believe that the future of Internet in Nigeria will be very great.Firstly, there should be a chip in all the mediums of advertisements so that the advertising agency will know how many people actually watch or read their advertisement. So that they will know if they are wasting their time or not. This will also help them know\see the direct reaction of people. In the future, advertisement will go through every country and be in every language for easier encoding of messages by the consumers. It will also be more portable and interesting to draw the attention of people.
    Abikoye ife - Oluwa. 09BE08932.

  11. Advertising media ranges from Above the line (tv, radio,newspaper etc) to below the line (t-shirt,biros,etc) meaning that advertisers have turned people to mobile ad media. this is interesting as when you turn to look at someone now or hear a jingle,or see an advert you can tell even and see through the use of subliminals that a person, a product or an idea is being advertised.
    So, as regards Advertising in the future, Simple. I believe that Advertising will be as effective as the New technology that will be created to produce and create it; that advertisers will manipulate even the clouds to pass their messages;that in the future if your ad agency is not exceptionally creative, then forget it your product will not sell. But i am afraid that with this future in advertising comes the increased use in subliminals which holds much corruption for the minds of the youth.

  12. Olowu Oyinkansola, 09BE08977
    Taxis will become smart tools for advertising with the use of screens inside and they may be able to tap adverts of various products just by passing by any organisation.Digital billboards and posters, will function essentially as large video screens by roads and side walks, adjusting their displays to different audiences , For example, a commuter crowd during morning rush hour,young couples on dates in the evening and so on. Advertising may also take the form of mobile phones prompting you when an advert comes up.

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  14. I forsee Advertising, as a profession which has a lot to offer the world.
    I see it as becoming more Lucrative and something every individual in a way or another be involved with.
    I also belive the advertising professional bodies would increase also is the issue of the introduction of new strategies to promote the profession.
    I see Advertising becoming more expensive and a lot of money made from it than is present right.
    Just like the internet, advertising would become something on will not be able to do without.


    Advertisement does the function of informing people and being able to convince people about the benefits of a particular good.
    in the future,the strategy for advertisement will improve in such a way that adverts would be more appealing and will be made available everywhere. other means of advertisement will be adopted.
    adverts placed on bill boards will be electrified such that even on the road adverts could be seen playing on bill boards.
    advertising agencies will come up with better ways of presenting adverts. e.g., more artistic creation that will kind of buy the audience's mind into whatever is advertised.

  16. famadewa folasade
    The future of advertising would be of great importance to the would bring about innovations in goods and services in other words, it is going to be so easy and convenient for people to know the uses and advantage of a particular product.Its process would be quite easy and goods and services would be easily reacheable.

  17. The future of advertising in Nigeria is going to be a very great one with the emergence of the internet. Advertising being a place where goods and services are marketed will be a platfrom where most adverts will be placed on the internet. Also I forsee an industry where they will be making use of the mobile phones which is still somehow connected with the internet where the use of GPRS,LAN, WAN. I see where advert coming to you right on time while they will be a situation where you can actually see what you want advertised and probably be an active audience thereby not just seeing the advert but making efforts to get the product or services that is being advertised. Advertisement is going to a very crazy level innovations are coming on steady.


    No one can predict what new forms advertising may take in the future. But the rapidly increasing cost of acquiring new customers makes one thing certain. Advertisers will seek to hold onto current customers by forming closer relationships with them and by tailoring products, services, and advertising messages to meet their individual needs. So while advertising will continue to encourage people to consume, it will also help provide them with products and services more likely to satisfy their needs.
    Advertising will be more technologically inclined. For example advertisments will be sent to peoples beepers, mobile phones, computers e.t.c.

  19. aliu adeola
    the future of advertising is going to be very interesting cause the convergence of technology will make the advertising very effective example: computer fixed at the back of a billboard will be wireless connected that any advert on internet will be shown on the billboard, visualize and advertise the produt better
    their would be visibility and portability of impact message.
    advertising is going to be splendid and it will be affordable that every organisation will be to afford and would be able to advertise their product.

    Present day advertising has gone very far already thereby leaving the mind with next to nothing for imagination. Nevertheless, due to the emergence of the internet, adverts won’t really have to be on newspapers or radios and televisions, they can also be posted to websites and email addresses. Advert messages can be sent to random phone numbers. Advert messages can be posted into the air with the aid of some gases or fumes.

  21. A billboard located at the street corner is watching you. A camera is embedded in the billboard and a computer analyzes the people who pass by it. It tells the advertiser how many people walked in front of the screen, turned to face the ad and how long they looked at it. It reads your gender with an accuracy of 85%, so men and women will each see different ads.

  22. After viewing the future of internet, Television, I think the future of advertising would also be drastic. the future of advertising has different dimensions. In today's world advertisement and commercials lack reality, in future i believe that advertisement which is used by print media such as newspaper, magazine, flyers,etc would be upgraded, instead of just the pictures printed out in the newspaper ,etc the pictures would be able to move demonstrate how a particular product , make you understand the product
    While commercials used by television and radio,which already as the ability of visuality and demonstration in future i believe there would be an interaction process same as billboard there would be a graphical improvement.

  23. AGWU JOY/09BC08894....
    The future of advertising in the next 20 years is going to be incredible and interesting..such that the way advertisements will be publicized will be so fast and without much energy just that, the cost will increase and be more expensive because of the highly technological processes, like viewing of adverts on our palms,walls or paper due to some little gadgets...the quality and concepts will be highly impressive and tech....

  24. Advertising in the future will simply advance what marketers have always advocated: Firstly, ultra-targeted campaigns using customized messages that are highly relevant to the interests of the audience. Secondly, the launching of initiatives which build wide-spread buzz and natural viral recommendations amongst user networks and/or a broad general market.the only difference then will be the vast advance in technology

  25. The future of advertising is going to take a new dimension in the world of advertising. i for see advertising in the next fifty years being very realistic and more convincing, realistic in which ever form of media. for example an advert on a car, the way the advert will be presented will be so realistic you will think you are driving the car and at the same time making you aware of the fact that it just an advert. in fifty years you will not only able to read, write or listen, you will be able to fell through the help of technology.

  26. Advertising has gone through a lot of revolution over the years even in Nigeria. We can try to predict how it will be in the next 20years.
    By then, probably when we pass a billboard, it will be watching you as a result of a built-in camera.It could tell the advertiser how many people passed, turned to read the advert. and their reaction.It could detect the different age groups and know what to advertise.
    Customized messages that are highly relevant and interactive to the interest of the audience will come into use.Consumers will have immediate access to products being advertised. Digital carry-on devices will be made so that if there is a new advert., it will show on the device to enable consumers to know the latest.

  27. OlutadeObatoto
    right now advertisement as risen from the level which it was in the centuries gone by therefore in 20 years time it will be some that will catch the peoples eyes more that it is doing right now cause the rate at which technology is growing is the rater at which advertisement is also growing.
    advertisement in the next 20 years would have a lot of inputs which could be come in form of the change the ways they disseminate advert information to the public maybe using the mobile phones and advert will be something every where.
    advertisement could also be done through the internet.

    The future of advertising in Nigeria is bright and promised. Nigeria is one of the leading advertising nations in Africa. The future of advertising depends on the next generation of creative minds, who going to move it to the next levels. In the future there will be what will be called the global surfer. This device will take the form of a black burry phone; people who purchase this device will have the advantage of view the ad journal of their desired company. It would not be just a written form of advertisement; there will be video ads too. The cool aspect of the device will be the full detailed information, which will be sent to the customer each time there is news. All a customer has to do is to add the company to his favourite’s list and he will be among the first to be notified in case of any information. Also you will be able to save an ad clip, message or voice over for reference purpose. Customers’ advantage of commenting on ads on the page walls of the company. This will make room company/customer relationship.

  29. As you know, the only constant thing on the surface of this earth is change. With the vast way advertising is eating up the globe, and coming in very new forms-I think that in the next twenty years, Advertising would be jaw breaking by the time we hear how much an Advert would cost per second or even minute and I would feel sorry for companies that may have to put theirs during prime time! What a Splish Splash that would be. In the absence of anything, Advertising in the year 2030 would be everything to write home about! Where billboards, Newspaper, Magazines or any form of the Traditional Media would have the Advertisements moving round it though it's already taking shape and all through the Internet, but an improved and highly animated version would be used. People may not have to go to Malls or Supermrkets to buy their goods or go the point of service to be rendered service all they need to do is talk to the desired Brand or Product.... Besides expenses, I see a golden future for advertisers in this country. Since Nigerians right from the Start were able to buckle their shoe laces to create Ad agencies then the future would seem like a fantasy in 20 years than reality.

  30. Advertising today is already great, entrepreneurers are able to advertise their product in one way or the other, the stage at which advertising is already today will determine what it will be in the next 20 years. Advertising in the future will simply advance what marketers have already advocated.Advertising cannot remain stagnant instead its speeding up. Lots of entrepreneurs and marketers are on the move to ensure the moving of advertisement to greater heights. In the future there will be lots of intriguing and fascinating things added to advertising world, in future adverts will be sent to phones through messages or even through e mails. Advertisement will help develop the world, I also see advertisement becoming cheap in the future.

  31. Advertising would be a career everyone would want to engage in,because the growing technology would make buying and selling easier in the nearest future , it would be stress free,and everyone would get informations about goods and services without ignorance and inadequate information disemination
    i see a future you can admire a product,know the cost,its advantages,and all other vital information,and bargain on the spot,when you are ready to have it, it will be delivered to your door step without stressing your self.
    i see a corrupt free advertising,you advertise your product in a way your customers would be thrilled and just cannot say NO.
    i see a corrupt free advertising,you advertise your product in a way your customers would be thrilled and jst cannot say NO.I see advertising agencies doing their jobs so well that advert information will get to every nook and cranny of the world.there would be a happy,stressfree trade without excuse of being ignorant.
    Shiyanbola Adenike.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

    In the year 2030, Advertising would have taken a new turn and dimension .Since the world is a global village filled with inventions and innovations .i.e adverts would be electrically posted on cars and buildings. The adverts would talk and tell u what it is all at about mere looking at it instead of u reading it yourself it would tell you it’s advantages and disadvantages, why it is necessary to use the product and even demonstrate it with free samples.

    The future of advertising would be full of new innovations and majorly,it would be technologically inspired.with the rapid development in the worlds technology,the invention of the internet which is developing every day and the soon literacy awareness would inspire high creativity and immense ideas in advertising.
    organizations would then major in the electronic means of media.bill boards,posters,pamphlets and even the oral form of advertisement would be out place in the future.

  35. Olowu Oyinkansola, 09BE08977
    In Africa, town-crying and hawking were the earliest forms of advertising. These have survived in many Nigerian villages till date. The print media came into Nigeria in 1859 with the appearance of a Yoruba language newspaper,Iwe Iroyin published by Reverend Henry Townsend at Abeokuta. The publication carried an advert in the form of an announcement for the Anglican Church.West African Publicity Limited then came up in the year 1929.Thereafter, foreign advertising agencies came up and D.J Keymer and company was one of the leading advertising agencies . This was followed by other advertising agencies like Afromedia, Lintas, Goldman, Sunrise , Rosabel and Insight Communications during the 1960's and 1970's. The Association of Advertising Practitioners Of Nigeria (AAPN) was created and it later became known as The Advertising Practitioners Council Of Nigeria(APCON) in the year 1988.Other regulatory bodies were established and they include (AAAN) Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria in 1971 but became functional in 1973, (ADVAN) Advertisers Association of Nigeria and (OAAN) Outdoor Advertising Association of Nigeria and these agencies helped in the regulation of Advertising in Nigeria

  36. OGUNDOLAPO OLAWUNMI MARY 09BE08969 SAdvertising has started since the existence of man and since then has been developing.I believe advertising is going to develop in a way that it will become part of the day to day activities of man.Also it will develop to a stage thatmore advertising agencies will have to be created to control advertising operations.

    The future of advertisement will be very tasking, expensive but very informative. In 20 years’ time, advertising agencies will utilize a lot of innovations and technology. Adverts will not only be used more in urban cities and lesser in rural communities. In 20 years’ time advertisements’ will be on televisions, radio, tv like commercials on the internet, electronic billboards of different sizes in buses, train stations and bus-stops. I believe in 20 years’ time there will be a collaboration of public relations and Advertising agencies. We will not only hear or see their adverts but be told about what we are using our money to buy and why it is a necessity to us consumers.

  38. Ajayi Inioluwa 09BC08895

    The future of advertising in Nigeria will go beyond the conventional billboards and the likes. I see the use of micro-chip embedded cars that retain information when they pass by a billboard and relays it to the individual through an interactive touch-screen display with the options of purchasing or ignoring the product. The Advertising agencies also will promote the advert of locally-based products which will improve the economy of the country.
    As a career, advertising will be a platform which creativity and ideas will be refined professionally and be used as a means of conveying messages about products and services to the public.


    The future of advertising is one that can be foreseen. even a lame man will attest to the fact that advertising has a future of advertising is a sure one. i see advertising as something that will be done on any surface both on durable and non-durable materials such as pure water sachets ( sachets in general ). aside that advertising will be such that everybody will be interested in and defintely many people will be involved and this will lead to something negative because the cost of placing adverts will reduce. from my own view i think advertising will not be as expensive as it is now because there will be competition from various medias and thus leading to a fall in the cost. though it might not be a drastic reduction but the cost of placing adverts will not be this much in future

  40. i see the future of advertising as what will capture people's heart, what will bring about a positive feeling about the product that is advertised i see advertising in the next 20 years as a tempting packaging that all the audience will want to do is getting the product


  41. The future of advertising is going to be fantastic, why because Companies would find an easy and less-expensive way of passing across entertaining advert to people in their cars, living rooms, offices and bedrooms.Also with the advent of the Internet, I think the ad-agency would be able to get the targeted audience, geographical location and the taste of that place easily and at a fast speed. Also I think that there will be a lot of competition which will increase the rate of high quality adverts. Small scale businesses can also advertise their product because at that time advertising might be less expensive.Lastly Adverts would be taken to the rural areas through the advent of new media.


  42. obichukwu Godson uche 09BC08914

    take for example the standard set by the advertising industry. It started with banner advertising, sidebar advertising, text advertising,etc. Then it entered the realm of pop up adversting that opened in new windows on the web. advertising in fifty years with the help in collaboration with the internet ,adverts would be efficient

    Advertising in the next 20 years will be more creative and eye-catching than it is now.
    Advertisements will become more appealing to the public to the extent that people after watching an advert, buy the product, hate it , come across the advert again and still buy the product. This is the power advertising is going to have in the next 20 years.

  44. in the future advertising would also serve to communicate an idea to a mass amount of people in an attempt to convince them and to take a certain action such as encouraging environmentally friendly behaviors and even unhealthy food behaviors through food consumptions,video games and television viewing promotion and a lazy man routine through a loss of exercise.Modern Advertising developed with the raise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
    Omoregie Osarieme 09BE08981

    Advertising is said to be deceptive, but in 20 years to come, it would no longer be deceptive because no product will be allowed to be advertised except it is real.
    There would also be in existence, talking newspapers and magazines which would advertise the products.

  46. Advertising in Nigeria will be a very predominant sector of the economy,almost every product will be advertised and unimaginable means n mediums will be engaged.
    Advertising in Nigeria would be international and other nations would believe in Nigerian agencies to do the job for them.They ll be more big agencies other than the ROSABELL,INSIGHT,e.t.c

  47. National Policy on Advertising advocated Perception In spite of efforts by Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigerian, APCON to regulate advertising in Nigeria , public perception of advertising is regrettably still poor. The former managing director of PAL Nigeria Limited, Ayo Owoborode who spoke on the challenges of advertising regulation in Nigeria at the APCON 20 years anniversary lends credence to this when he said that some members of the public see advertisement as self-seeking, self-centred and sometimes deceitful because of exaggerated claims and service performance which sometimes do not match the advertising claims. The world over, advertising should be truthful and non-deceptive and advertisers must have evidence to back up their claims. This is the only way the advertising industry can move forward. Well in the next 20 years I believe that one will be able to try the products advertised and get the product tried product free.

  48. Okusi Oyindamola 09BC08918

    The future of advertising in Nigeria as with what i have in mind will feature new media of conveying messages abour products and services and this include the introdution of the video magazine, which involves the customer purchasing a digitized magazine which its subscription is renewed regularly.It contains details about new products and many other services.
    Advertising will go beyond the present billboards and posters but will have new platforms such as our cars, houses etc.
    In the context of Agencies, advertising agencies will act as a meeting space of people with ideas and concepts that will increase the cutomer base of their clients.
    Advertising as a career will also bloom and this results in more jod opportunities for individuals

  49. Matric num: 09BC08917
    Advertising in the future will simply advance what marketers have always advocated: Firstly, ultra-targeted campaigns using customized messages that are highly relevant to the interests of the audience. Secondly, the launching of initiatives which build wide-spread buzz and natural viral recommendations amongst user networks and/or a broad general market. The only difference is the improvement of both strategies by using new technologies which enhance the visibility, portability and impact of messages. for instance, A billboard located at the street corner is watching you. A camera is embedded in the billboard and a computer analyzes the people who pass by it. It tells the advertiser how many people walked in front of the screen, turned to face the ad and how long they looked at it. It reads your gender with an accuracy of 85%, so men and women will each see different ads.

  50. In the thoughts of Delano Olayide,(09BE08952)
    The future of advertising is going to be primarily based on on-line advertisement and social networking. Take a glimpse into the future,and you will see in the next 20years the broadcast media will not be in vogue pertaining to advertising. The broadcast media has done well but it hasn't, brought the message to the people in the truest form. What do i mean? I'm trying to say that most of the time the audience is fed with lies even with what they can see! The best option for the future of advertising is on-line advertisement where the potential buyers can see their product and inquire about the product immediately. There is a one-one information from the product company to the audience. Some examples include: facebook, twitter,you tube etc. The time will come in the nearest future where all these things will be efficient for advertising. please note this day and date because you will quote me.
    mass communication department.

  51. I believe that the primetime in most television and radio stations will be very expensive to the extent that two companies would have to share it together.I also believe that advertising would become an expensive job,this will be because there will be more business activities,with this businesses there would be need to create awareness to the public and society.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

    The future of advertising in my opinion includes a wider reach for advertising agencies through the use of electronic newspapers, touchscreen billboards, video flyers and handbills.i also envision faster means of message transmission other than radio,television.etc. generally, advertising is on the pathway to becoming a great influence in our world

  54. Osilowo Adunolaoluwa: 09BE08988
    In the real sense i dont think advertising would be of any use in the future, that is not saying that the act of product awareness will not take place but the whole concept of an agency and all will not be in existence. This of course is due to the introduction of the VIRTUAL T.V leading to new developments in mass media communication. It will work like this, in every household there will be a virtual list of all basic needs for all categories of individuals and their uses,benefits and so on, bt if a person should choose to go to the market or store, on entering there will be a virtual display of all new products and their uses and also their advantages over other products. It's like the product will be floating in the air and you see the letters come out of thin air describing it and you can listen also.But it is only a thought.

    The future of advertising in my opinion includes a wider reach for advertising agencies through the use of electronic newspapers, touchscreen billboards, video flyers and handbills.i also envision faster means of message transmission other than radio,television.etc. generally, advertising is on the pathway to becoming a great influence in our world

  56. Advertising in the nearest future will be great because i see the advertising agency doing a wonderful job presently so who knows what adverts will look like i feel there will be billboards which are electronic that is they have video cameras in them in other for the adverser to know how the general public feel s about the product or the mode of advertising and these advert billboards will be kept in different places. I believe that advertising will turn every one around with its evolutions.


    advertising will be much more fun in the future. advertisements moved from black and white to colored, more colorful pictures, good sounds and more creativity.Also advertising will be part of mans day to day activities and it will facilitate easy exchange of goods and services.

  58. subi joy said 09be08996
    advertising in the future can influence people faster than the any communication can pass messages across to viewer in very understandable means,provided the advertiser knows his/her targeted market

  59. Advertising would be a career everyone would want to engage in,because the growing technology would make buying and selling easier in the nearest future , it would be stress free,and everyone would get informations about goods and services without ignorance and inadequate information disemination
    i see a future you can admire a product,know the cost,its advantages,and all other vital information,and bargain on the spot,when you are ready to have it, it will be delivered to your door step without stressing your self.
    i see a corrupt free advertising,you advertise your product in a way your customers would be thrilled and just cannot say NO.

  60. frank 09BE08947
    Advertising is a way of life for certain people, it now an aspect of life that has taken most of their time and looking at it from perspective we can say 60% of people in the world are actually interested in advertisement, improving this then will increase the standard of certain people as some ad claims, information disemination become easier as more people get involved it in, more quality product and services tend to come up because of the different people involved in ad as many will want their customer to keep on using their product.. the competition rate will rise and the result is good and quality product introduced making ad most useful and at the same time helping people in need,why- because the prices will surely reduced because of the different intro.

  61. Advertising today has already seen great changes as now producers have very reliable ways of getting to know the opinion of the consumers. For instance through blogger activities which is know more rampant than ever. In the future i think there will be camera in billboards so that advertisers can see how often pedestrians look at the advert, this will aid them in knowing how adverts affect different ages and sexes. I also believe that in the future advertisements will be far less exploitative of children, this is due to the rapidly widening awareness of more and more adults to the gullibity of children to adverts.

  62. I see future advertising as the best, i believe goods will be tested before being advertised to prevent consumers from being misled.
    i believe advertising will be a very goods means of employment because there will be a lot of advertising company. Advert will not be as expensive as it is now so any body can advertise freely.
    advertising will be easy with the help of new and more sophisticated technology

  63. 09BC08903
    Advertising would be something everyone would want to engage in,because the growing technology would make buying and selling easier in the nearest future , it would be stress free,and everyone would get information about goods and services without ignorance and inadequate information disemination.

  64. ORGU EMEKA 09BE08987
    i believe the future of advertising in Nigeria is going to be different from what we are seeing now. adverts rate on newspaper and television is going to reduce due to the presence of the internet and instead of bill boards and fliers it will have electronic bill boards. advertising will also have a communication link between the buyers and the sellers directly

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  66. Matric no 09bc08916.The future of advertising will be so great that billboard located at a public place will be able to count passers by then through camera business transaction can take place.
    Business partners will be able to communicate and interact with one another coming together to form great ideas. customers and producers will coming together to share initiatives to better their products advertising future will simple advance when marketers and producers in order to meet .The future of advertising will be so great that billboard located at a public place will be able to count passers by then through camera business transaction can take place .
    Then visibility, portability and impart of information .also the behavioral targeting in the future. Business s target .there will be mutual understanding between them interaction will be interactive.
    Then visibility, portability and impart of information .also the behavioral targeting in the future.

  67. JESSE 09BE08984
    I see a future you can admire a product,know the cost,its advantages,and all other vital information,and bargain on the spot,when you are ready to have it, it will be delivered to your door step without stressing your self.
    i see a corrupt free advertising,you advertise your product in a way your customers would be thrilled and just cannot say no due to the fact that is it as good as it seem. The quality of product will be as the best.

    Advertising in future will be good and improved and it will also be bad. If we think critically, advertisers are looking for (1) The best way to impress& persuade their customers (2) New strategies or technology for their adverts and product. This will eventually lead to low quality contents of the product. I think that advertisers will waste time looking out for this things instead of spending time to create great, good and satisfying products for its customers.
    Why I said it would be good is because adverts can be used to predict purchase like predicting crisis before it happens. You can also watch live commercials on newspaper, magazines, and books.

  69. The print media came into Nigeria in 1859 with the appearance of a Yoruba language newspaper,Iwe Iroyin published by Reverend Henry Townsend at Abeokuta. The publication carried an advert in the form of an announcement for the Anglican Church.West African Publicity Limited then came up in the year 1929.Thereafter, foreign advertising agencies came up and D.J Keymer and company was one of the leading advertising agencies .

  70. for the futrue of advertising, i will say that the way things are going rigth now isnt impresive though we are trying.i want the future of advertising to be magnificent. first and for most before any product is advertised it should be properly tested to aviod harm. secondly, we know that the print and broadcast media do a lot of advertising, but we can take it to the next leveal by actualy making adds expencive and making newspapers free. that way adds will circulate faster and people will get informed.
    roberts 09bc08924

  71. aAdigun Oluwatosin Akinyemi. 09BC08893

    Advertisement does the function of informing people and being able to convince people about the benefits of a particular good.
    in the future,the strategy for advertisement will improve in such a way that adverts would be more appealing and will be made available everywhere. other means of advertisement will be adopted.
    adverts placed on bill boards will be electrified such that even on the road adverts could be seen playing on bill boards.
    advertising agencies will come up with better ways of presenting adverts. e.g., more artistic creation that will kind of buy the audience's mind into whatever is advertised.

  72. Omowumi Jesutofunmi

    Advertising is fast taking a new dimension.One might probably think a future view of ads is unimaginable.
    Advertising will become very real. We will have television billboards and just static picture billboards will be outdated.More companies will move into sports, fashion and music endorsement seeing that these are widely followed all over the world.Advertisement will also be the first to introduce 5D to television.

  73. Afolabi Oluwafolafunmi
    The future of advertising in the next 20 years will be such that advertisers will be able to show their audiences what they are advertising so that the audience will be able to have a feel or experience what is being advertised e.g. if it is a mobile phone that is being advertised, the advert will be in such a way that the reader (of a newspaper or magazine) will be able to feel the phone, probably scroll through the options to see what features the phone has or to see what makes it different from other mobile phones. In the print media again, I believe that there will be moving pictures (newspapers, magazines, and other print materials will have small devices that will make pictures of advertisement move and change exactly like the television commercials) and I believe that it will also have sound effects.

  74. motunrayoadeyeye:09bc08892
    it will be a tremedous help to the life of people business will grow fasted than normal,there will be moving adeverts displayed on air,the adverts of organisations will be communicated world wide,the naewspaper will be a free commodity for those less priveledge so they can also benefit from adverts also.

  75. The future of advertising will be a high tech media and will be exremely technological powered in the aspect of globally posting adverts mainly through the internet and the audience will be informed through various sending messages to various of sending messages to mobile subscribers via the internet to ease the stress and also there will be instantaneous purchase of goods on line.There will also be pasting of adverts on the air or in the water.

    A billboard located at the street corner is watching you. A camera is embedded in the billboard and a computer analyzes the people who pass by it. It tells the advertiser how many people walked in front of the screen, turned to face the ad and how long they looked at it. It reads your gender with an accuracy of 85%, so men and women will each see different ads.Advertising in the future will simply advance what marketers have always advocated: Firstly, ultra-targeted campaigns using customized messages that are highly relevant to the interests of the audience.

  77. Advertising in the future will simply advance what marketers have always advocated: Firstly, ultra-targeted campaigns using customized messages that are highly relevant to the interests of the audience. Secondly, the launching of initiatives which build wide-spread buzz and natural viral recommendations amongst user networks and/or a broad general market.The only difference is the improvement of both strategies by using new technologies which enhance the visibility, portability and impact of messages. Ideally, ad campaigns must become favorable interruptions which pre-empt consumer needs by being exceedingly relevant. This is the ultimate result of an architecture which collects/analyzes consumer behavior through the timeline plotting of individual data nodals.Reverse engineer the future and we’ll see that businesses/entrepreneurs should now start to keep abreast of developments in new technologies/social channels that will help them understand their audience. Consumers will always be primarily attracted to messages that are highly relevant and interactively intriguing. Learn how to give them that.

  78. Advertising to me in the future would be lucrative business and a fascinating site.
    I think that in the future, microchips would be embedded into billboards and buildings, were you only have to pass by it and in a micro-second, it determines your personality and what type of product appeals to you as an individual.

  79. Firstly, ultra-targeted campaigns using customized messages that are highly relevant to the interests of the audience.
    The only difference is the improvement of both strategies by using new technologies which enhance the visibility, portability and impact of messages. Ideally, ad campaigns must become favorable interruptions which pre-empt consumer needs by being exceedingly relevant. This is the ultimate result of an architecture which collects/analyzes consumer behavior through the timeline plotting of individual data nodals.Reverse engineer the future and we’ll see that businesses/entrepreneurs should now start to keep abreast of developments in new technologies/social channels that will help them understand their audience.

    Osunsanya Yemisi 09BC08922

  80. ALADESE TENIOLA A. 09BE08945

    In 50 years, I believe co-operative advertising will be the order of the day. Most companies, organisations and brands with products that complement each other will work together at achieving the same pupose selling thier product. An example is Toyota and Dunlop (Car and Tyre)

  81. AJAYI FAITH 09BE08941

    The future of advertising in Nigeria is going to be very bright and adventureous. Advertising in Nigeria in 20 years will be like there can be interactive sessions with advertisers to learn more about a product, while the commercial is going on. Goods can also be purchased and delivered to a persons home with just a click on the remote control of your T.V.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. FAYEMI TOMISIN IRETIillboard located at the street corner is watching you. A camera is embedded in the billboard and a computer analyzes the people who pass by it. It tells the advertiser how many people walked in front of the screen, turned to face the ad and how long they looked at it. It reads your gender with an accuracy of 85%, so men and women will each see different ads.

    Plans are already underway to detect different ages and even family groups. This intuitive digital advertisement exists, courtesy of Quividi, a French marketing technology firm.

    In the future, ads themselves are engineered to obtain information on its audience, with the mined data immediately fueling message customization. Consumer data is a valuable commodity that will influence businesses and their initiatives even more than the present.

  84. i see advertising going to a more advanced level in the sense that product which are being advertised are more compelling with the use of more subliminal message in that cause compel the masses to purchase such product, in this case it speaks to their unconscious minds which make them at the end purchase such product no matter the the cost. i see advertising as a mean where advertiser would be more appealing to the extent that the masses would rush and get their product.i see future advertising in a more professional manner where the advertiser advertise the the product in such a way that it would cause an active performance toward such product

  85. AJAYEOBA MAYOKUN with matric no 09BE08939
    As we all know adverts are posted online but in the future i think online advertisment will be better in the sense that the viewers will be able to access the advertisers website and there the customer will be able to talk to the advertiser one on one he would be able to direct his questions about the advert to the advertiser himself and will alos be able to rate the advert and give the advertiser advice on a better advert next time.
    The advert can also be purchased by the public that is request for an advert to be sent to your ipods iphones and also to you PC which will help the public to gain access to the advert or show others later.

  86. Can u imagine interactive advertising?
    You're sitting on the couch watching your favourite football team with your feet propped up on the coffee table (just like your mother told you not to do). Life is good.

    Then something pops up on your screen. What's that? It's interactive television and it's a whole new ball game for advertisers.

    You've seen commercials for mimi and indomie noodles But now you can see those commercials and get coupons at the same time. The interative screen advertising provides you with options to accept or decline an advertiser's special offer.

    And it doesn't stop there.

    ITV has several incentives over a PC. You can play along with game shows, vote in live polls, learn trivia tidbits, get game stats and purchase items just by pushing a button on your remote control......don't u think life will be great.


    Advertising in the future will be in the form of movable type as consumers will be able to make a purchase from the advert being viewed. adverts will be done with the aid of robots and consumers will be able to inquire about a product from the robots while the advert is been viewed.

  88. Over the years,advertisement has gone a very long way, everywhere we go we see different adverts even what we wear is also a way of advertising. looking at the future, advertising is never going to reduce or go down, because everything we do advertises us or is a way of advertising.

  89. nwankwo bimbola 09bc08912
    Advertisement in the nearest future will be a means whereby consumers of a product will know about the product in just a blink.the use of electronic billboards will soon be a thing of the past because of the fast growing advert development.adverts will soon be displayed by the use of electronic beings to the doorpost of the consumers.

  90. I feel advertising in the nearest future will be more sophisticated and people will be able to interact with those that manufacture the product.Billboards and posters will be a thing of the past at that time.the adverts and products will be reality not on television but in various home.
    Name:Adeyemi Adeola
    Mat no:09BC08891

    09BC08900 Based on the history and present status of advertising so far, the future of advertising is one which is certified to be very beneficial to all parties concerned, the future of advertising is one which will involve touch screen purchase, whereby a consumer at home watching the television can purchase whatever he wants to purchase by simply touching the television screen and also filling in his account number, name, address, etc. Also the future of advertising will definitly involve interactive television whereby one can play along with video games, vote in live polls and learn trivia tit bits

  92. Bamidele ifeoluwa tosin
    09bc08900 Based on the history and present status of advertising so far, the future of advertising is one which is certified to be very beneficial to all parties concerned, the future of advertising is one which will involve touch screen purchase, whereby a consumer at home watching the television can purchase whatever he wants to purchase by simply touching the television screen and also filling in his account number, name, address, etc. Also the future of advertising will definitly involve interactive television whereby one can play along with video games, vote in live polls and learn trivia tit bits

    With the growing level of creativity,competition and the effect of globalization i believe that the future of advertising holds a system where the advertisers can do their advertising and receive immediate response from its target audience in a way that while advertising on the media they can receive quick and immediate response from its public.

    The main essence of advertising is to make a product known to the public.Before and even now, advertising done through the hawking and by town criers but now it is done mostly by the advertising agencies through the media either print or broadcast media.In the next 20 years,advertising will be the other of the day whereby every product produced must be advertised before fully recognised in market.This is because advertising will be done in such a way that every product advertised will be as effective as advertised.

  95. advertising itself is a very interesting gives u the ability to think wide and make imaginations you would like to see come to reality.
    so in 20 years i see advertising as a form where any individuals thoughts can be put into practice. in the sense that even the thought of a little child can be seen as something great.
    presently advertising is fast booming it is becoming a source of income to so many. so i say in 20 years advertising would be a chance to portray our thoughts and the chance to appreciate our own abilities.

    I see advertising taking steps ahead; like bill boards playing different advertisement at different minutes depending on how long an advertisement is and also not repeating a particular ad more than twice.
    Advertisement will be highly imaginative, creative and innovative.

    A billboard located at the street corner is watching you. A camera is embedded in the billboard and a computer analyzes the people who pass by it. It tells the advertiser how many people walked in front of the screen, turned to face the ad and how long they looked at it. It reads your gender with an accuracy of 85%, so men and women will each see different ads.

    Plans are already underway to detect different ages and even family groups. This intuitive digital advertisement exists, courtesy of Quividi, a French marketing technology firm.

    In the future, ads themselves are engineered to obtain information on its audience, with the mined data immediately fueling message customization. Consumer data is a valuable commodity that will influence businesses and their initiatives even more than the present.

    It’s already happening on the web. Internet services and media companies like Yahoo, AOL and Google are fast understanding that effective contextualization of ad messages requires the continous accumulation and usage of individual data.


    Advertising in the future, Simple. I believe that Advertising will be as effective as the New technology that will be created to produce and create it; that advertisers will manipulate even the weather conditions to pass their messages.
    Advertising in the future will possess features which will enhance the visibility, portability and impact of messages on the people
